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Alcohol and Other Drugs


The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students on College property or as any part of a College-sponsored activity is strictly prohibited.

The risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol are numerous and include physical and mental impairment, emotional and psychological deterioration, and devastating effects on the image of the Outing Club and Outdoor Programs. There are obvious risks, such as poor decision making that can lead to accidents and injury. The abuse of alcohol can cause behaviors that can lead to damage to DOC/OPO facilities including minor and major damage to the facility, and fires that could destroy a cabin or lodge, in addition vomit and other residues of drinking can create unhealthy atmosphere in any facility.

In addition, alcohol and other drug abuse puts the user at considerable health risk, which can include nausea, vomiting, cancer, liver damage, elevated blood pressure, psychotic episodes, hallucinations and, in some cases, death. In addition to the risk to the abuser of illicit drugs and alcohol are the risks to other students and the public.

Individuals whose performance is impaired as a result of use or abuse of drugs or alcohol (either on or off campus); who illegally use or abuse drugs or alcohol on campus; who violate any provision of the Standards of Conduct or the Student Alcohol Policy or Drug Policy are subject to severe sanctions. These can include loss of leader privileges, expulsion from the DOC and other college sanctions.

Events/Activities where Alcohol consumption is never permitted

  • During any portion of First-Year Trips
  • During competitions
  • In or around water
  • While situated in a backcountry location (more than 1 hour from EMS)
  • While participating in adventure activities
  • While doing paid or volunteer work for the Outing Club or Outdoor Programs
  • While riding in a vehicle

Leadership and Training

Outdoor Programs staff works with student leaders to educate them on alcohol and other drug policies and to help them understand the ramifications of alcohol abuse on the club’s reputation. Club partners review and discuss alcohol policies with each new generation of student leaders. Clear lines are drawn on where alcohol consumption may be permitted and where it is never permitted.

Student Alcohol Policy

Outdoor Program’s primary goals in this area remain educational ones: to develop alcohol guidelines that are clear, readily understood, consistent, and equally applicable to all students; to create a non-coercive social environment for those who choose not to drink; to promote moderation, safety, and individual accountability for those who choose to drink; and to maintain a community where the effects of alcohol abuse and the problems of behavior associated with it are openly discussed. Therefore, all members of the community need to be mindful of their responsibility to lend assistance to others in need of help because of a problem relating to alcohol. Also, the Board of Trustees has affirmed its commitment to eliminate the abuse and unsafe use of alcohol at Dartmouth and continues to endorse the focus on alcohol education and counseling in order to provide a safe environment for those who choose to drink alcohol.

All students should be aware of the College’s student policy on alcoholic beverages and of the liquor laws of the State of New Hampshire. Violation of these regulations or laws usually result in disciplinary action as described elsewhere (See Standard of Conduct IV, Alcohol and Other Drug Program, and Alcohol Laws of the State of New Hampshire).

For more information, please refer to the Dartmouth Student Alcohol Policy

Last Updated: 1/18/23