There are many, different types of trips spanning a wide spectrum of themes, setting, physical activity, and time in the outdoors. We are confident that everyone can have a Trips experience that they are excited for, feel comfortable with, and can thrive in. If you are unsure about a trip type, have questions, are feeling nervous, or have any other concerns, please reach out to us at or by phone at 603-646-3996.
We also recognize that some students may need additional adjustments or accommodations related to religious practices, ability, dietary concerns, allergies, and/or other needs. First-Year Trips is excited to create accessible and inclusive Trip experiences for all participants, and it partners with departments such as Dartmouth’s Health Service, Dartmouth Dining Services, Student Accessibility Services, and the Tucker Center for Religious and Spiritual Life in the process. We are committed to doing everything possible to help all students participate in the Trips program to the extent they feel comfortable. You will have an opportunity to share any needs later in this form.
If you have concerns about accommodation on campus beyond First-Year Trips, particularly related to a disability or other diagnosed condition, please reach out to Student Accessibility Services. If you have a dietary condition such as a life-threatening food allergy or celiac or Crohn’s disease, or just want to learn more about heathy eating on campus, please email Dartmouth Dining Services’ Dietitian Beth Rosenberger or call 603-646-1740 for more information or to schedule a meeting. Information provided on this form will only inform adjustments to First-Year Trips.